I needed a reference tool and this is great. This app does give CMYK breakdowns. Wouldnt it be great if reviewers tried to learn how an app works before posting complaints! Example for getting CMYK breakdown: 1) Set PANTONE Color Guide to PANTONE solid coated. 2) Set Color to (X) X in this case being Pantone 3135C. 3) Set X-Ref PANTONE Guide to PANTONE COLOR BRIDGE coated. 4) You should now see the PANTONE swatches for PANTONE 3135 C and PANTONE 3135 PC - Simply click directly on one of these colors and voila! RGB & HTML breakdowns for PANTONE 3135 C and RGB & HTML & CMYK breakdowns for PANTONE 3135 PC. Click on the color again to zoom in closer. To create a CMYK color and find a PANTONE match - just set the PANTONE Color Guide to CMYK/RGB/HTML, which is at the bottom of the list in step 1) and create your color in the Color field by entering specific cmyk info and press save. Your new color is now matched to the closest PANTONE determined by which system is set in step 3) above. Im using a touch, so Im not concerned how the camera may or may not function. Though for Ipod Touch users - 5 stars! Two bucks and some folks are still complaining. Geesh!!!
Earthling Dreams about myPANTONE™ X-Ref